Shows, Films & Performances
- Shostakovich festival: LiveART performance of an organ arrangement (premiere!) of Shostakovich’s Tenth Symphony, 3rd movement. Organised by Mouvement Chostakovitch Nîmes area, Southern France, late September
EuropArtFair 2025 13-14 September; MECC Maastricht, Netherlands
LiveART performance of Shostakovich Piano Trio no.2 Op 67 in collaboration with the Swiss Trio, Festival Kammermusik Bodensee, 31 August; Kunsthalle Appenzell, 5 September
ART Eindhoven; 8-9 February, Klokgebouw, Eindoven, Netherlands
- ‘Atlantis and other Utopia’s’, in collaboration with composer Marion von Tilzer, the Amstel Quartet and Jacobus Thiele. Video-projection in collaboration with Studio de Maan. Exhibition of the ‘Atlantis’& ‘From the New World’ series of oil on canvas paintings by Maryleen, 1 December, Posthoornkerk, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
- EXCURSIONS! LiveART performance in collaboration with pianist Alexander Kraft van Ermel, including Prokofiev’s Sonata no.7 and Barber’s Excursions. 16 October, Podium Mozaiëk, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
- EuropArtFair 2024; Maryleen’s neo-classical oil paintings will be presented at stand #75; 6-8 September; de Gashouder, Westergas, Amsterdam. Maryleen was awarded third prize by gallery owners and art collectors for the EuropArtAward!
- Exhibition “From the New World”, Maryleen’s paintings from Prague 2012, inspired by Dvořák’s Symphony No.9, “From the New World”. 1 – 7 September, White Box, Roelof Hartstraat 7, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
- Journées Chostakovitch; live musicpainting performance of Shostakovich’ Viola Sonata Op.147, with Judith Ingolfsson (viola) and Vladimir Stoupel (piano); Aigues-Vives (FR) 16 September
- MusicpaintingLIVE performance of Strawinsky’s ‘The Rite of Spring’ as part of a program ‘AWAKENING’ by pianist Reinis Zarins. 17 June, Hanzas perons, Riga (LV) Press release: pdf Awakening – AtmosanasInterviewVideo clip studiorehearsal
- J.S.Bach – Das Wohltemperierte Klavier Book 2, integral concert by pianist Marcel Worms with paintings by Maryleen. 7 April, Vredeskerkje, Bergen aan Zee (NL)
- Tobias Borsboom‘s concert with PAN Op.43 by Czech composer Vítězslav Novák, including the oil on canvas painting ‘Pan’s Prologue’ by Maryleen. Classical Now! Festival, The Hague, Netherlands; 30 March, 20:15
Musicpainting collaboration with pianist Marcel Worms ‘ integral performance of Johan Sebastiaan Bach’s Wohltemperierte Klavier, Book 1 at Salviuskerkje, Limbricht, The Netherlands. 13 March at 15:00; introduction to the concert at 13:00 in Limbricht Castle. Salviuskerkje website
“The Art of the Symphony”, documentary film screening, in collaboration with DSCH Films, director Alan Mercer; 29 February, 20:00 at the Haagse Kunstkring,
The Art of the Symphony film screening & exhibition of paintings, 1 March, 14:00 h at Résidence Chateau Bleu, The Hague, Netherlands; registration:
Five oilpaintings for the tone poem ‘Pan’, Op.43 by Czech composer Vítězslav Novák; in collaboration with pianist Tobias Borsboom; 11 January at 20:00h, RondoM Concert, Wilhelminaoord; 19 January at 15:30, De Klankvijver, Voorschoten; 26 January at 11:30h, MuZEEum, Vlissingen – Video
Live-musicpainting concert of Novák’s ‘Pan’ on 27 February at 20:00 h, De Haagse Kunstkring, The Hague, Netherlands. ‘Teaser’ preview on 4 February, at the Haagse Kunstkring, 18:00 h
Hay Chamber Music festival
Shostakovich String Quartet No.10
live musicpainting in collaboration with Fitzwilliam String Quartet
26 -31 September, Brecon Theatre, Wales, UK
The Art of the Symphony
film-screening & exhibition of paintings;
in collaboration with DSCH Films, Alan Mercer
16 September, 15:00 at Blinibioscoop
Europe House, The Hague
The Art of the Symphony
film-screening, conference and exhibition
in collaboration with DSCH Films, Alan Mercer
6 April, 12:00 at De Balie Amsterdam
online tickets
Winteravonden aan de Amstel
musicpaintingLIVE performance concert with pianist Reinis Zarins;
premiere of our Russian repertoire:
Gubaidulina, Shostakovich, Medtner and Scriabin
Hermitage, Amsterdam, Netherlands
16 December
Hungarian Canvas
Live-musicpainting performance in collaboration with cellist Pamela Smits
and pianist Tobias Borsboom; ‘Vriendenconcerten’ Zuiderkerk
Zuiderkerk, Amsterdam, Netherlands
13 Januari
Prague Music Performance
‘The Art of the Symphony’ documentary by DSCH Films director Alan Mercer; Trailer
Presentation, Exhibition and Film at Ponrepo Cinema, Prague, Czech Republic
8 December
Cēsis Art Festival
MusicPaintingLIVE with pianist Reinis Zariņš
Cēsis (Latvia)
28 July
Maidstone International Arts Festival – Mission to Mars
MusicPaintingLIVE with pianist Reinis Zariņš
Maidstone (UK)
14 – 16 July
‘The Art of the Symphony’ documentary by DSCH Films director Alan Mercer; Trailer
Pre-Screening Conference, Exhibition and Film at the Centre Chostakovich in Paris, France Poster
Entrance by reservation only by contacting:
13 May
LiveART with pianist Jan Bartoš and cellist Tomáš Jamník at Novomětská radnice (New Town Hall)
Prague, Czech Republic Website
Czech TV
2 May
Czech Sketches
Live painting with pianist Maureen Galea in a program on Czech composers & exhibition of oilpaintings
at Guildford International Music Festival Website, University of Surrey, UK
26 February
MusicPainting Live at Markiezenhof (With Reinis Zarins) Trailer
Website, Bergen op Zoom (Netherlands)
13 November
‘Zazit mesto jinak na Malostranskem namesti’; Live painting & Dance improvisations (With Katerina
Novackova) Facebook Prague, Czech Republic 17 September
Baltic Art Form (With Sten Heinoja, Ruta Vitauskaite & Claudia Wittmann), Review Website
London, UK
Baltic Art Form (With Reinis Zarins), Website »
London, UK
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, presentation of ‘From the New World’ and ‘Largo
Shostakovich’ (videos by Kim Dijkstra), View invitation »
Prague, Czech Republic
Amstelkerk ( with cellist Pamela Smits and philosopher Albert van der Schoot), View invitation »
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Amstelkerk (with pianist Evelina Vorontsova) View invitation »
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Winery De Oude Wijnhoeve, View invitation »
Heerenveen, The Netherlands
Institute for Social Studies
The Hague, The Netherlands
Gallery Frontier
St. Petersburg, Russia
Nyenrode Business University, View invitation »
Breukelen, The Netherlands
University of St. Petersburg, Pushkin
Pushkin (St. Petersburg), Russia
Press conference hall Baltiskoye Informationnoye Agentsvo
St. Petersburg, Russia
Amstelkerk (with Maya Chijavadze)
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Gallerie Libbe-Venema (with Tom Collord)
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Solo Exhibition Diaghilev Center, View brochure
St. Petersburg, Russia
St. Petersburg, Russia
Solo Exhibition Salon du Blanc, Exposition d’Artistes Franco-Japonais Tokyo, Japan
The Nippon Gallery
New York, US
Solo Exhibition Bungei-Shunju Gallery,
Tokyo, Japan
Salon du Blanc: Exposition d’Artistes Franco-Japonais
Tokyo, Japan
Solo Exhibition Atelier International Art Group, Inc.
New York, New York
Salon du Blanc: Exposition d’Artistes Franco-Japonais
Tokyo, Japan
Atelier International Art Group, Inc.
New York, New York
Open Studios Williamsburg Arts & Culture Festival
Brooklyn, New York
Solo Exhibition Curaçao Museum, Read review »
Curaçao, Dutch Antilles
Solo Exhibition Montserrat Gallery
New York, New York
‘Cow Parade’, Commision by Organon Inc. review
West Orange, New Jersey
Atelier International Art Group Inc., Solo Exhibition
New York, New York
Bungei-Shunju Gallery, Solo Exhibition
Tokyo, Japan
Gallery Eighty-Six, Solo Exhibition
Curaçao, Netherlands-Antilles
Landon Gallery
New York, New York
Ginza Nagasaki Art Gallery, Solo Exhibition essay
Tokyo, Japan
New World Art Gallery, Solo Exhibition
IJmuiden, The Netherlands
Solo Exhibition Gemeentelijke Expositieruimte Kampen,
Kampen, The Netherlands
The Netherlands Club of New York
New York, New York
Long Island University Galleries
Brooklyn, New York
Montserrat Gallery, Solo Exhibition
New York, New York
Solo Exhibition Sylvia White Gallery
Los Angeles, California
Solo Exhibition Koetshuis Kasteel Groeneveld,
Baarn, The Netherlands
Solo Exhibition Z – Gallery
Soho, New York
Studio 2000 Art Gallery,
in cooperation with Foundation O.O.K.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Solo Exhibition Curaçao Museum
Curaçao, Netherlands – Antilles
Barnard – Biderman Fine Art, Solo Exhibition
Soho, New York
De Vijverberg, Latin-American Cultural Manifestation
Ede, The Netherlands
Solo Exhibition Opera House Muziektheater, Artist Lobby
Amsterdam, The Netherlands